Vail Early College Application Process
Students interested in being a part of the Vail Early College must go through an application process. The purpose is to make sure that the Early College is the right fit for the student and they are ready both academically and emotionally for college early.
The application process is as follows:
Students completes the online application and requests recommendations from two current core content teachers.
Completed applications received by the deadline are evaluated and students are notified about the receipt of their application via email.
Students will be notified if they qualify for an interview. Interviews typically take place in February but may extend into early March, depending on the number of applications.
Once all interviews and final evaluations of applications are complete, students are notified via email if they are accepted. Ideally, we like to notify students before Spring Break.
Applications are scored using a holistic rubric that focuses on:
Ability to take college level courses. Applicants must be able to place into WRT 101, REA 112, and MAT 151/187 to be eligible for the program. (Pima Placement Information for VEC candidates)
Progress towards high school graduation (Note: need to be currently enrolled in Algebra 2 for math or beyond Algebra 2)
Cumulative unweighted grade point average
Rigor of coursework taken in high school
Evidence of overall student motivation for college level work
Attendance and behavior
Content and quality of their application essay
Recommendations from two current core content area teachers
Interview (if application initial score qualifies applicant for interview)
The application process for the following school year begins at the start of December and ends in late January.
If you have questions, please contact the VEC Coordinator - Raylee May.